Monday, May 18, 2015


As I am sure you're all well aware of, I turn 22 next Wednesday! And I must admit, I'm pretty ecstatic. I have big plans to dance around to Taylor Swift music all day long and eat a boatload of cake. Here's a peek at what I told my family is on my birthday wish list (some of which I believe has already been purchased...).

The cardigan comes in a nice mustard color that I want and the pencil skirt comes in a cream/black stripe that I love. For some reason I couldn't get the right colors to show :( Also yes I really do want SmartWool socks for my birthday.

Started: Summer class today yay! I hope these next 4 weeks go by real fast.
Excited For: My trip to NYC this weekend!
Feeling: Very hungry. As per usual.
Days Until Christmas: 221

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