We went to the Provo Temple! Such fun.
The flowers there were goooorgeous. I love tulips.
GNOCCHI FROM GLORIA'S LITTLE ITALY. If you live in Utah or are ever there visiting, you pretty much have to eat here. It's amazing. I've been waiting to eat this dish all year. And I died. DIED.
My meal from the Museum of Art cafe on campus. I spent many a meal plan dollars here back in my day (last year). I especially love the smiley face in my soup. Fun Fact: I used to swipe the butter packets from here and take them to my dorm for when I'd cook meals there.
Another Fun Fact: Husband proposed to me in front of the original "LOVE" statue in Indianapolis. They had a reproduction at the MOA so I had to take a pic.
But I was a little sad because Husband wasn't there.
Selfie taken in the Marriott Center while waiting for graduation to commence. See what I did just there?
She's a graduate!!

They're all graduates!!! Idk why Blythe isn't looking at me. Typical.
I couldn't resist.
I GOT TO EAT AT CAFE RIO. And I got photobombed my some lady? Fabulous.
BONUS: Got to go to my friend's bridal shower while I was there! She will make such a beautiful bride.
There were Nutella cupcakes and I was in heaven.
Guru's. My other favorite restaurant in Provo.
A piece of me will always be at BYU. Not only because I fell several times walking up Freshman Hill and scraped some of my flesh off, but because of how much I grew there. I made lifelong friends, learned more about myself, strengthened my testimony, and saw a glimpse of my potential. It is truly an amazing place, unlike any other campus in the world. Some of my favorite life memories are from my time at BYU and I couldn't be more grateful that I got to be there, even if it was only for a year.
Excited That: In two weeks I will be done with school!!
Should Be: Working on my group project and paper.
Pumped For: My musical in two weeks! If you want to come, let me know. It'll be a good time I promise.
Ate: A brownie for breakfast. Win.
Listening To: "Red". One of my favorite albums. Sorry I behave like a sappy teenage girl sometimes.
Missing: Husband. We've both been so busy these last few days that we haven't gotten as much time together as we'd both like.
In Desperate Need Of: A new phone case. Mine is shredding to bits.
Days Until Christmas: 238
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